written by
Joachim Koch and Hans-Jürgen Kyborg

©1993,1995, Berlin, Germany English version co-edited by Doug Girling, Vancouver, Canada,©1995

1. Abstract

The story of Betty and Barney Hill is well-known in the field of UFO research. On September 19, 1961, Betty Hill was abducted by aliens and shown a "star map" by one of them. She later drew it after undergoing hypnosis. The most promising interpretation of the map at that time, created by Marjorie Fish in 1972, suggests that the home system of the aliens was Zeta Reticuli. Despite the fascination and temptation that Betty Hill's experience and what she saw inspired, we must adhere to the facts, which are exclusively her original reports from Dr. Simon's regression hypnosis sessions. This is what we did in our new approach: we used Betty's initial words for further research. Let's be clear: even if someone were to attempt to solve the "map" using sophisticated modern computer software, they would be wise to remember that it is, in fact, only a sketch. This is a map that Betty drew under the influence of post-hypnotic suggestion. It is a map that was drawn by someone who, when asked about their artistic abilities, replied, "I'm not good at drawing."

We are pleased to present a new interpretation of Betty Hill's map.

It depicts our solar system at the time of the abduction from a vantage point slightly beyond and above Saturn's orbit as it might have looked like while approaching from outer space with the sun in view. This interpretation aligns more closely with the data than the Fish's interpretation. We believe that, in the context of Mrs. Hill's experience of being abducted, it is more logical for the alien entity, as a space-faring species, to initially use a representation of the abductee's local solar system to calibrate astronomical knowledge with Ms. Hill's astronomical expertise and establish a foundation for further communication. It should be a test.

Betty failed this test and the alien leader did not reveal his home planet.

Our astronomical research began in 1993, when we had the privilege of using a first-generation astronomical computer program, "Dance of the Planets," which was available on floppy disks. The black and white graphics shown here first are still derived from this program. We have retained them in our analysis for historical reasons and to maintain credibility. In the meantime, computer technology has come a long way, and there are new programs in the field. We have updated the older black and white graphics with "Redshift 8" at the end of this documentation for your reference.

Important Update

If you read on, you will see: We found out that the position of asteroid 16 Psyche is part of Betty's map. (see:The Results) On that page we statet 31 years ago:

"16 Psyche is a very interesting asteroid, too. It is of the category of the M-type asteroids which have moderate albedos (i.e., ability to reflect sunlight). Their spectra reveal a nickel-iron composition. These asteroids may be pure metallic bodies, perhaps formed by collisions of other asteroids where the rocky crust and mantel was lost and the iron cores melted together to a new celestial body. Radar examinations have shown that 16 Psyche indeed has such a high metal composition [16]. So this expedition route that started at strong ferrugiuous Mercury finds its end at a strong ferrugiuous asteroid."

What does any spacefaring species do when it explores a new star system? First, of course, to look for signs of intelligence, and second, to look for valuable or needed resources.

We are now pretty excited, because NASA has launched a new asteroid mission and its destination is: 16 Psyche !
