Native Nations
Song For The Sacred Elements - Chenoa Egawa & Alex Turtle
The Trail of Tears - Look, Listen and Think...and don't forget!
The Standing Bear Trial
Calvin Standing Bear (Lakota) supports Project Sacred Groves 2022 !
"Honoring Native Americans" Not So Honorably
"Ehrung der amerikanischen Ureinwohner" nicht so ehrenvoll
NDN Collective releases Dakota Access Pipeline report
NDN-Collective veröffentlicht den Dakota Access Pipeline Bericht
Akwesasne Women's Fire needs help to stop guns MNN. July 1, 2009.
Obama and First Nations
Jailing Aboriginal Leaders to Promote Uranium Mining in Ontario
You may watch two YouTube-Videos which might highlight the background of the situation in Canada. Click HERE
Pit River Rallies to Protect Sacred Medicine Lake Highlands from Fracking
The realisation of the 1200 miles Medicine Wheel around the Teton Mountains
"Chief Seattle's Speech"
Read about and listen to Corbin Harney