Chapter 1: "Hope"
Introduction of the background of the crop circle phenomenon in Southern
England, explanation of the author's intentions regarding their research
and confirmation that everything in the book happened as it is described.
PART I- A Time of Learning
Chapter 2: "The Development of a Phenomenon"
Who is who in the crop circle world.
Chapter 3: "The Phenomenon and Humankind"
About the difficulties to cope with a modern myth and how people try to reject
things which do not fit in our daily course of life.
Chapter 4: "The Beginning"
How astronomy influenced the author's lifes and how they happen to deal with
UFOs and crop circles. Personal background and experiences.
Chapter 5: "Chemical Formula?"
First tries to identify a scientific meaning behind the crop circles. How things started
which later brought the authors to England.
Chapter 6: "The Way to the Stars"
The exciting discovery of astronomical information contained in the arrangement of
crop circles in the fields. First hints that the intelligence behind the crop circles tries to
communicate with the help of these cerealoglyphs.
Chapter 7: "The Analysis of the Circles"
Collecting data about the circles which appeared up to 1990.
Chapter 8: "A brief graphic Survey"
Presentation of the main types of cirles and pictograms as they appeared in
chronological order. This was the first time that the chronological order was consequently
reviewed. By this way of analysing the intelligent evolution of the phenomenon
emerged dramatically.
Chapter 9: "The Discovery of the Principles of the Crop Circles"
The sensation! The authors succeded to find recurring principles within the
patterns of
the various formations. Amazingly, these principles contained
basic cosmological knowledge.
Chapter 10: "The Analysis of the Formations of 1990"
Analysis of the pictograms of 1990 where further principles (ten so far) could be
found. With the help of these principles the authors were able to decode all the
pictograms - which seemed to be impossible half a year ago. The intelligence behind these
patterns had shown how to explain graphically the existence of single and double Star
Systems with satellites (planets).
Chapter 11: "The Decoding of the Mega-Pictograms of Alton Barnes, 1990"
These pictograms became known worldwide and challenged everyone. The authors
were able 10 decode them and found additional two principles of meaning (now twelve
all in all). They also discovered a pictogram clearly displaying our planet Earth which
they later used as a "calI-sign" in their future communications with the
non-human intelligence.
Chapter 12: "Some more Pictograms in Analysis"
By the end of July 1990 and the beginning of August some more
very complex pictograms appeared. These challenged the authors but with the help of
their twelve principles they were able to decode them. Further information
of triple star systems surfaced.
Chapter 13: "Alpha Centauri"
After the completion of the astronomical theory about the meaning of the crop circles
the authors decided to test it on the spot in England. They chose the Alpha Centauri
triple star system to be displayed in their first experiment.This chapter describes how
they came across Alpha Centauri and it contains all basic astronomical information about this star system.
PART II- A Cosmic Friendship
Chapter 14: "Avebury - first Meetings"
The authors arrived in Avebury, Wiltshire, which is a huge henge where in the past 80
standing stones formed a large ring. By several strange coincidences they found the
Windmill House and started to investigate the pictograms in Alton Barnes and in
Rockley Downs. Amazingly, at the time of their arrival four new pictograms appeared
clearly showing the features they had elaborated in their astronomical
Chapter 15: "Rabbit Holes"
First contact with one of the most important farmers in the area and the permission to
do the experiment in a remote field named Rabbit Holes. Reports of strange lights in
the night sky around Alton Barnes. More contacts to locals, first visitation of the field.
Chapter 16: "The Experiment"
Description of the fieldwork on the first experimental formation, the ,,question
pictogram" of July 13th, 1991.
Chapter 17: "The Phenomenon shows up"
Immediately after the work on the pictogram a genuine circle is discovered nearby
which causes great excitement all around.
Chapter 18: "The Lightning in Polly's Kitchen"
July l6th - three days after the experiment - and no new pictogram has appeared so far.
An official team from the CCCS investigates the small circle and declares it
to be not man-made. Sitting afterwards in the kitchen of the farm and drinking a cup
of coffee, the whole team wittnesses a close encounter of the third kind with a white light which
fills the whole room so that no one can see each other for a few
Chapter 19: "The Answer"
July 17th - two new pictograms appeared at night at Temple Farm and below Barbury
Castle. The whole area is in uproar. The authors visit the one at Temple Farm and find
it to be a direct answer to their question. All the features of their theory are shown just
like a confirmation: "Yes, you have understood!". Now they know that they have
look for a single star which harbours two planets and not for Alpha Centauri. But
Chapter 20: ,,Secret Activities"
Review of obvious affempts to shadow the authors by intelligence agency. Account of
"Operation Blackbird", a military attempt to fool English researchers.
Chapter 21: "The Mother of all Pictograms"
The story of the great pictogram at Barbury Castle which also appeared on July l7th.
Never before a similar pictogram of such a complexity was seen. And a preliminary
review showed again astronomical information. At that time the authors hoped
to decode
even this pictogram but had no idea what they really were about
to reveal.
Chapter 22: "The Phenomenon"
Description of some of the characteristics the phenomenon had shown in
the past - something to smile and something to think about.
PART III- The Message from the Stars
Chapter 23: "Greetings from England"
Already back in Germany the authors got news that two additional ,,answer
pictograms" appeared, one exactly on the day they left, another only
a few days later. Description of these formations and preparations for the decoding
of the Barbury Castle pictogram.
Chapter 24: "The Search for a Solution"
The beginning of the decoding procedure. The authors are able to find relevant
information about a region in the sky but don't know where to look at. Further work on
details is necessary.
Chapter 25: "HD 42807"
The fascinating story how the authors succeeded to decode the Barbury Castle
pictogram. With the help of the two pictograms of July l7th they found a sun-like star in a
very special region in the sky: in the centre of the "Winter
Hexagon". According the
information encoded in the pictograms this sun must have at least two planets wherof
one might harbour life because of its orbit in the ecosphere - intelligent life?
Chapter 26: "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"
The authors discover more and more details about the centre of the ,,Winter Hexagon"
and prove that the Barbury Castle pictogram is a complete copy of the centre part of
this region in the sky. This chapter provides astronomical knowlegde about the
astrophysical conditions of stars, explains the "Hertzsprung-Russel-Diagram" and
conditions for life on planets orbiting their star within the ",habitable life zone". Description
how to find HD428O7.
Chapter 27: "HD 42807, the Winter Hexagon and Archeoastronomy"
By their research the authors discover that the Winter Hexagon and HD 42807 within
was a focus of nearly all ancient cultures. Many of the main ancient buildings such as
pyramids in Egypt and South America, stone circles in Europe and medicine wheels in
North America are astronomical orientated towards this region of the Winter
Chapter 28: "Nibiru"
In the Sumerian astronomy and creation myth the legendary celestial body Nibiru plays
a major role. The authors find astonishing evidence that Nibiru is HD 42807!
Chapter 29: "The Secret of Senenmut"
The story and description of the astronomical ceiling in the tomb of Senenmut
in Thebes, Egypt, who lived in the 18th Dynasty in the reign of Ihe only female Pharao
Hatshepsut. The ceiling contains a major secret which the authors were able
to detect
and to reveal! The breathtaking outcome is the fact that HD42807 was already known
to the Egyptians. Furthermore is plays a central role in their mythology: it is
the star
where the Gods were born. The authors find numerous examples for descriptions and
direct links to this star in the famous Pyramid Texts. They find HD42807 also
represented in the famous Zodiac in Hathor's Temple at Dendera as Horus
the Hawk. lt is
the star other researchers who were dealing with astronomical alignments of
the pyramids at Gizeh couldn't identily. So the intelligence behind the crop circle phenomenon
of 1991 reminded us of ancient knowledge of more than 3500 years ago. Are ,,they"
the same who brought wisdom to the ancient cultures?
PART IV - A Time Of Understanding
Chapter 30: "1992- Preparations for the second Experiment"
Preparations for the second experiment, description of the design of
the new "question pictogram".
Chapter 31: "Rabbit Holes II"
How the authors created their second experimental pictogram asking for some physical
evidence or a physical meeting with the intelligences. New pictograms appeared.
Something about the increasing hoaxing of pictograms.
Chapter 32: "Energy"
The memorable flight of July 18th, 1992. While in the air, the aeroplane encounters
strange energy tubes which affects both crew and aeroplane. This was
the physical
meeting the authors had asked for. Another item is introduced by Ihe intelligence
authors should deal with in the future: energy.
Chapter 33: "The UFO of Woodborough Hill"
How the authors advised a special research team from America to use these energy
tubes as amplifiers for their efforts. A few nights later, the team had a
closer encounter
with an unidentified structured fiying object. Description of the event.
Chapter 34: "Crop Circles - the Next Generation"
Resumee of what happened so far and outlook into the future. Because
this book is a
chronolgy of events in 1991/1992, future events in the crop circle world regarding
Koch~Kyborg's research and activities are briefly mentioned to
maintain reader's interest in a follow-up of this book. In the following years
(1993-2001), the authors continued their work and received further information about
the energies involved in this phenomenon. They developed a model of an energetic structure of space - and maybe space-time - and how
the intelligences are using this. They went deeply inside the
understanding of ancient stone circles and their role and interaction inside an energetic
network as
a cosmic superstructure.
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